The Ultimate Easy Guide to a Clutter-Free Closet

Ah, the wardrobe—a haven for fabulous finds and forgotten treasures. If yours is starting to look more like a tangled mess of fashion faux pas than a runway-ready collection, it’s time for a closet cleanse! Decluttering can be daunting, but the joy of rediscovering space and style is worth every moment.

We will continue inspiring you with a series of blog posts, designed to refresh your fashion sense from the ground up. We truly believe that most of us don’t have only one personal style. We can have multiple styles at the same time, and of course, our fashion style and sense are always changing and evolving. We all love the feeling of refreshing out wardrobes for the coming season, so let’s jump right into the task of decluttering your wardrobe.

  1. The 'Before' Photo Shoot

Before you dive in, snap a quick pic of your current closet chaos. Think of it as a 'before' shot to motivate you and, later, a 'wow, look how far I've come!' moment. When you're knee-deep in denim, this reminder of the starting line might just be the boost you need.

  1. Everything Must Go (Temporarily)

Empty your closet completely. Yes, all of it. Let your room become a sea of colors, textures, and styles. This is the moment to face the reality of your wardrobe head-on and get a sense of what you truly own.

  1. The Sorting Game: Yes, No, Maybe So

Time to sort your clothing into three piles:

  • Yes: Pieces that make you feel like the star you are.
  • No: Items that haven't seen the light of day in ages.
  • Maybe: Things you can't quite decide on—more on this later!

Questions to Ask:

  • Does it fit my current style?
  • Have I worn it in the past year?
  • Would I buy it again today?
  1. Shoes, Bags, and Bling

Don’t stop at clothes! Extend your sorting spree to shoes, bags, and accessories. Treat them with the same scrutiny as your outfits. Remember, every piece should bring joy and purpose to your wardrobe.

  1. Sentimental but Sensible

Create a cozy corner for your sentimental pieces. That concert tee from your favorite band or the dress from your first date can stay, but only if they genuinely hold sentimental value.

  1. Seasonal Swap and Shop

If your closet is crammed with clothes for all seasons, it’s time to separate! Store off-season attire in boxes or bins, freeing up space for the pieces you'll actually wear.

  1. Organize Your 'Yes' Pile

Put those ‘Yes’ items back into your closet in a way that makes them accessible and attractive. Invest in matching hangers—velvet for delicate pieces or wooden for a uniform look—to create a neat and appealing display.

  1. The Goodbye Pile

Bag up your ‘No’ items. Consider these options:

  • Sell: Online platforms or local consignment shops.
  • Donate: Offer to friends, family, or charities.
  • Recycle: Old, worn-out pieces can often be recycled.
  1. The 'Maybe' Test

For those items lingering in the ‘Maybe’ pile, try them on and see how they make you feel. Store them out of sight for a month. If you don't miss them, it’s time to say goodbye.

  1. Final Revisit

After four weeks, revisit your 'Maybe' stash. Anything not missed can go. This step helps prevent the temptation of sentimentality and encourages decisive decision-making.

Celebrate Your Success!

You've done it! Revel in your newfound space and style. Compare your closet to that 'before' photo and bask in the satisfaction of a job well done.

As you welcome new pieces into your wardrobe, remember the joy of a clutter-free closet and keep it curated with love. Here's to a wardrobe that’s as stylish and confident as you are!